A big shout out to the 8 intrepid trail crew members who came out for a special work day. The BBVTC assisted the state park crew working on the Skyline to the Sea reroute near Dool Trail. We all met at the shed but saw no sign of José, state park crew lead. John & Devdutt walked over to HQ and there he was! We loaded tools into Dale P's & José's vehicles and they drove over to Gazos Creek picnic area to a spot very close to the work site. Several of our group walked the 5 minute distance to the site from the shed.
José and Norm worked at preparing holes to be used to secure the base beams for the new bridge to the new concrete abutments, which involved using a compressor to blow out all debris so epoxy could be used to secure the bolts.
The state crew had flagged a rough trail path that included several root balls, 2 not so big but one was a standing tan oak that took a LOT of digging, chopping, cussing, and several attempts at pulling it out with cables.
After much effort John & Chris managed to pull it out with minimal damage to the trail. We had to move a lot of soil to get the trail tread down to the required level.
At the end of the day, we mentioned to José that our crew would be back out on September 8th and if there isn't anything major for us to do (doubt it, nothing on the Big Board in HQ) we would be glad to continue on this project
The crew put 61 hours and thanks to long time crew member Beth Wichmam, Dale Peterson, Chris Young, Janie Leifhelm, John Collins, Devdutt Sheth, Shyamal Kapadia, and Norm Beeson.
By Norm and Jeff
Photos by Norm, Beth, and Chris