The BBVTC's 'project summer' continued for our September workday as we returned to working on the trail reroute/foot bridge replacement on the Skyline-to-Sea Trail near the Gazos Picnic site.
After a quick gathering of tools from the shed we headed over to the work site where Jose, from the State Crew, briefed us on what he hoped to accomplish for the day. Since our August 25th work, the bridge deck had been installed, but it still needed to be secured in place, the landings on both ends of the bridge needed to be completed, and improvements to the trail on the approach from picnic site end of the bridge.
The highlight of the day (or low light depending on your outlook) was using the log tongs to carry a large tree trunk about 100 yards to the bridge site so it could be buried to support the edge of the new trail.
And of course, hikers who pass along the trail in the years to come will think that the tree just happened to fall next to the trail and the trail developed around it. Of course we'll know the REAL story behind it.
The crews put in 68 hours and thanks to Norm Beeson, John Collins, Michele Gelblum, Janie Liefhelm, John Martin, Mike Peasland, and Devdutt Sheth an of course Jose and Lilia from the State Crew, for a productive workday. Best trails in California thanks to work by the BBVTC.
By Mike and Jeff
Photos by Mike