Rain usually brings out the crew and in the light rain on the March workday 10 members showed up. Again we had enough members to split up with Norm taking on and I took another.
We drove out to the kiosk on N. Escape and headed up Hollow Tree Trail, looking for the 3 trees in Curts' pictures. We came across a small Doug fir not on our list and took care of it. Hiking further up we came upon Curts' 3 trees - already cut and cleared!! We headed back down HTT to the cars, and did a little clearing of small stuff on the way back to HQ. Dale S. & I went in the office where we noticed on our map a post it about an 18" tan oak behind the campfire center and walked over to check it out. It's leaning across the access road, several feet off the ground and we agreed it was a bit too much for the two of us. Thankfully we didn't really get rained on until we we were done! Not a great day but a good one!
Norm: Our merry band, consisting of Curt, Kurt, Dale S. Dale P., David P., & I, headed
up the Sequoia Trail looking for our 24" tree. About a quarter of the
way up we found a 20"ish Madrone that was totally blocking the trail.
Dale P. used his chain saw for the big stuff & we lopped & hand
sawed the rest. There was quite a lot of water running down the cleared
trail so used 4-5' long Madrone branch to create a water bar to shunt
the water down into a drainage. Kurt walked up the trail to
236 & found no further stuff.
We drove out to the kiosk on N. Escape and headed up Hollow Tree Trail, looking for the 3 trees in Curts' pictures. We came across a small Doug fir not on our list and took care of it. Hiking further up we came upon Curts' 3 trees - already cut and cleared!! We headed back down HTT to the cars, and did a little clearing of small stuff on the way back to HQ. Dale S. & I went in the office where we noticed on our map a post it about an 18" tan oak behind the campfire center and walked over to check it out. It's leaning across the access road, several feet off the ground and we agreed it was a bit too much for the two of us. Thankfully we didn't really get rained on until we we were done! Not a great day but a good one!
Dale S: We started off driving out North Escape Rd. to Sequoia Trail, after a short hike we
found a Madrone tree patiently waiting for us
With a few precise cuts with his saw, Dale P. and the rest
of us had the tree cleared in no time.
A few more saw cuts and we ended with this
Our final stop on Hollow Tree Trail was some saw dust. Apparently a Parks crew
got to our destination first. So just on account of because, we did a little clearing of North Escape Rd. on
our way back, including a spot marking X.
We left just a slash
Jeff: I took Mike, Jan, Janie, Janette, and David B. to do the Sequoia Eastridge loop. I guess the rain was on our side of the park but it was light and after we ended the day it started to rain in for real totaling 4.3" through Sunday.
The first thing we can across was this 6" Fir
Small 6" oak was quickly cleared
At the bridge leading to the Huckleberry Campground a 12" Fir took out some oaks completely closing the access
I would like to thank the wet crew of Norm, Curt, Kurt, Dale S. Dale P., David P., Mike, Jan, Janie, Janette, and David B. for putting in 98 volunteer hours.
See you on the trails
Blog by Jeff, Dale S. and Norm
Photos by Jeff and Dale S.
Birds of the Day
Allen's Hummingbird
Common Raven
Common Raven
Hairy Woodpecker
Pacific Wren
American Robin
Northern Flicker
Acorn Woodpecker
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Dark-eyed Junco
Varied Thrush