The May 28th workday proved the old adage of the 'devil is in the details' as we enter the final stretch of work on the Redwood Loop Trail with most of what remains being fine tuning what the area will look like when the park is reopened to limited visitation later this summer. But with decisions changing on what these final details will look like, our May 28th workday sent us back to the Skyline-to-Sea Trail where we had worked in April.
The effort itself was the rough work of clearing patches of dead huckleberry and felling several burned Tan oaks and then moving everything into burn piles on a short stretch of STS near the Gazos Creek picnic area.
The work went quickly as we had decided in advance to make it a short workday since it was the Memorial Day weekend and we were also saying goodbye to one of our long time crew members who is moving to Oregon. We wrapped up at noon and headed into town for lunch at the Sawmill Restaurant to celebrate the holiday and to say thanks to Aaron for five years of dedication and service.
Banana Slug (Ariolimax californicus californicus)
California Sister (Adelpha bredowii eulalia)
New Growth - Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
New Growth - CA Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
The crew put in 107 hours and thanks to Daryn Bieri, Katy Booth, Nan Bowman, Jim Brooks, Rory Brooks, Mimi Guiney, Steve Guiney, Shyamal Kapadia, Matt Kelsey, Marc Koenig, Sean Miller, Chris Newport, Lisa Nichols, Mike Peasland, Aaron Poulos, Devdutt Sheth, Bruce Washburn, Chris Young, and new members Quinn Edgemon and Cassie Sprenger, for enjoying a short workday and lunch afterwards.
by Mike and Jeff
photos by Bruce, Mike, Mimi, and Sean
Burnt Redwood (watercolor by Bruce Washburn)