Sempervirens Creek Bridge - 1998 through 2002
The design of the bridge and planning of the construction was done by Jack Schultz. Funds were raised for the construction of a replacement bridge across Sempervirens Creek connecting the Sequoia and Shadowbrook Trails. This project began in 1998 with the Trail Crew milling the bridge beams from a Douglas Fir that fell across Gazos Creek Fire Road. Actual construction of the bridge occurred in 2001 through 2002 with a big push in the Summer of 2002 to complete the bridge for Big Basin Centennial celebration in Fall 2002.
Early in 1998 a winter storm caused a Douglas Fir to fall across Gazos Creek fire road. The road was opened by the BBVTC and there was an opportunity to replace a bridge across Sempervirens Creek. The 4’ diameter Fir was at least at a 30 degree angle downhill so we set up scaffolding and then we set up an Alaskan Mill using a frame and a chainsaw.
Jack Schultz designed the bridge and based size of the beams on the weight of a couple of horses and a very large Girl Scout Troop being on the bridge at the same time. Therefore the beam design needed to be 6" wide x 9" high x 40' long. We started by first making a cut to flatten the top of the log then we made 3 plunge cuts along the length of the log. We made the plunge cuts deeper than required to ensure getting the 9" height. After the first cut, we set up for the second and we said we had enough diameter so why not make the width 9" wide. When we finished the plunge cuts we worked on freeing the beam from the rest of the log and again it would be a waste not to increase the height to 12" and we finished with a 45' length. We then placed chocks under each end to create a bow and we left them there to dry for 2 years. This part of the project took 4 months to complete.
A couple of years later we went to work on building the bridge. Early in 2000 we first poured the bridge footing, moved the beam with the park's help, then we started by strengthening the beams with cross members to attach the 2 beams together.
The beams were very shaky as we crawled to the center of the beams and attached the first cross members. The Fir was so hard so while one person ran the drill another person had to step on the back of the drill to ensure that the drill didn't strip the screw head. Month after month we worked long days and around July we decided to go for completing the bridge in time for the Big Basin Centennial celebration in September 2002 by working every other weekend.
Not only did we need to complete the bridge, we were also working on an ADA trail to connect the Sequoia and Shadowbrook Trails. The trail was constructed using retaining walls, handrails, and filling the trail with decomposed granite. We had to dig holes for the 4x4 posts and one of them took an entire day to dig. One workday, Mike P. and I were the only ones that showed up and we went to work on digging a hole. The posts were to be 8' apart and when working on the 5th post we dug down about 2' and hit a log. We tried 2' on either side of the 8' center line and both times we hit that log. We decided to bite the bullet and drill through the log at the 8' location with a rock bar and 4 or 5 hours later we planted that post.
We did finish the trail and bridge in time for the Centennial celebration and later the Trail was dedicated to the founder of the BBVTC Bob Krisch and bridge designer Jack Schultz.
The SCZ Lightning Complex Fire did reach the bridge and destroyed both the trail and the bridge. Very sad sight.
by Jeff B.
photos by Roger M., Chris P, and Jeff B.