APR 20 - Sequoia Trail

The Trail Crew's April 20th workday was a continuation of work on rough cutting the Sequoia Trail as we came within about 75 yards of the initial goal of reaching the Huckleberry Campground.

Over the past year we've become accustomed to encountering increasingly dense vegetative regrowth, but the work on Sequoia is the thickest we've experienced as it sometimes requires getting down on hands and knees to determine the trail alignment we should be clearing.

With another good turnout of 20 crew members, we split into four teams with the first group doubling back on the trail to clear the Kirsch Connector Trail and Sequoia Trail in the immediate vicinity.

A second crew started further up the trail where we left off on the previous workday and continued the push toward Huckleberry. Meanwhile the third crew worked in between on widening the previously cleared trail along with digging out numerous stubs from the trail treadbase.

And as with the April 6th workday, all debris was tossed down to Sky Meadow Rd immediately below where the final crew staged it along the road edge for chipping at a later date. 

The crew put in 147 hours and thanks to Fremont Bainbridge, Daryn Bieri, Nan Bowman, Jim Brooks, Rory Brooks, Cecil Coe, John Collins, Michele Gelblum, Peter Gelblum, Tommy Ha,  Steve Kennedy, Marc Koenig, Andrea Lee, Janie Leifhelm, Mike Peasland,  Evan Redesque, Devdutt Sheth, Bruce Washburn, Chris Young and Jason Zheng, for another good turnout and workday. 

Fernald's Iris (Iris fernaldii)

by Mike and Jeff

photos by Bruce and Mike