Things went well on Saturday, and 23 people show up for the APR 8 workday. Rory and I (Chris Young) managed to get the choke knob that Mike provided on the hedger-on-a-stick just before 9 am. Jeanette and Jim took care of getting people signed in and I confirmed with Kile and Sam that we would be continuing work on Creeping Forest.
We shuttled over to the Creeping Forest Trail shortly after 9am. Kile did a Task Hazard Analysis for the three new people and then we hiked up the short by-pass to get onto the trail.
We had three volunteer sawyers working (myself, Rory and Dennis), so Sam and Kile went ahead and dropped trees for us to process into burn piles. With freshly downed trees crisscrossing the path in front of us, there was plenty of work for everyone. Devdutt operated the hedger-on-stick, while Marc used the bladed weed eater for a bit.
We worked until just before noon and then assembled everyone for lunch. Chris Pereira visited us during lunch and thanked the crew for all the work that has occurred post-fire. He showed everyone the plaque that State Parks has presented to the BBVTC in honor of this effort. We all assembled for a group photo before heading back to work.
lunch break
Chris show the Recognition Award
We started around 2pm to do a bit of cleaning up. We built five burn piles and have a six well under way. There is more work waiting for us back on Creeping Forest and I'm thinking the challenging weather is behind us.
Special thanks to Janie who stopped by the Tool Stall afterwards to help Rory, Jim and I clean tools. Great work done by all and a rewarding work day.
The crew put in 168 hours and thanks to Arnie Arcolio, Jim Brooks, Rory Brooks, Tom Condy, Denis DeCeuster, Dale Elliott, Mimi Guiney, Tommy Ha, Jan Hill, Shyamal Kapadia, Marc Koenig, Janie Leifhlem, Peter Mage, Janette Mello, Johnnie Pena, Dale Petersen, Diane Shaw, Devdutt Sheth, Bruce Washburn, Chris Young, including new comers Roger Beaudoin, Reece McDaniel, and Kevin Zhang.
Huckleberry and Redwood Violets Blooming. Nature Rebuilds
Banana Slug (Ariolimax dolichophallus)
by Chris Y and Jeff
photos by Chris Y, Chris P, Bruce, Roger, and Mimi