Another 20+ turnout, with 22 for the April 2nd workday, which included two new people. Luckily we had a Plan B for the day. The contractor the State has working in the Redwood Loop had completely torn up the section we were planning to work. The crew leads made the decision to start work early on our next work area on the Skyline to the Sea (STS) trail from the old tool shed area to Gazos Creek.
We split into two groups for the first time in a long time with one starting at the tool shed while the other drove to the Gazos Creek end. One crew worked on clearing a Tan oak that had fallen across the foot bridge near the old tool shed.
The second crew was able to clear the entire length of the trail from Gazos to the Bridge and staged debris in areas that looked good for burn piles. The crew held off constructing any burn piles until the District folks had a chance to take a look to determine where to build the piles. We weren't certain how far off the trail edge the District Crew wanted cleared since it has varied at times, so we'll need to make additional passes later to handle that work along with the burn piles.
Trail Clearing Before
After Clearing
We finished the work a little early as everyone wanted to hike the Redwood Loop to see exactly what the contractor was up to around the Loop.
Life Will Find a Way
Opal Creek Come Back
The crew put in 159 hrs and thanks to Hal Anjo, Arnold Arcolio, Jim Brooks, Daryn Bieri, Nan Singh Bowman, John Collins, Denis DeCeuster, Tess Fitzgerald, Michele Gelblum, Mimi Guiney, Steve Guiney, Jan Hill, Matt Kelsey, Janie Leifhelm, Mike Peasland, Aaron Poulos, Devdutt Sheth, Dale Stadelman, Bruce Washburn, Chris Young, amd new members Alison Breeze and Ted Merrill.
By Mike and Jeff
photos by Jan, Bruce, Mike, and Mimi