OK, is it just me or should we be done with 2020 right about now? Over the past several weeks I've been tempted to think 'What else could go wrong', but that seems a little like tempting fate at this point.
There was no Trail Crew workday for Sep, but I also think it's important to stay in touch. For hose Trail Crew folks who had to evacuate, please keep us updated on how things are going and what support we can provide.
The latest I've heard, Cal Fire was working in the park to fell damaged Doug fir's that didn't do well in the fire so they didn't fall and take down nearby redwood trees. The redwoods themselves are well adapted to fire and although damaged by the flames (think blackened goose pens) most will likely survive.
At this point we have no idea when we'll be able to get back into the park but hopefully before the winter rains arrive.
The Santa Cruz district trail crew supervisor Chris Periera sent a quick note about a week ago saying he was 'overwhelmed with all the destruction' so it will take time for safety issues to be resolved and Basin staff to get their feet on the ground. And long term decisions will need to be made about the park, likely at the Sacramento level.
Of course park staff that lived in the park lost their homes and possessions as well and State Parks has gone into crisis intervention mode by bringing people in from other areas of the state to help support the Basin staff.
One of the people who lost their home was Park Interpreter Susan Blake who has helped and supported the Trail Crew in innumerable ways over the past 10+ years. Susan was in town when the fire approached the park and only had time to race back and grab her pets before having to flee.
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, there is a Go Fund Me campaign to help Susan find a place to live and get back on her feet and as of Thursday it was about 75 per cent of the way to the goal! If you haven't done so already, are inclined and able to do so, contributions can be made by going to https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-help-susan-blake-rebuild-her-life?member=&utm_medium=email&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_email%2Binvitesupporters .
We recently noticed the Trail Crew sign above the tool shed door had become weathered and in need of refinishing. I planned to take it down during the July workday, but forgot so I wanted to make sure I took it on our Aug workday. Whether premonition or just luck, I didn't forget and it's safely at my house. I'll send photos along as it is redone and hopefully we'll have the opportunity to rehang it at a new Trail Crew shed.
BBVTC shed on the left
In 2016 BBVTC spend a few days fixing the Shed
after the roof was fixed
Now this is what is left
Trail Crew signed saved with a little luck
As of 9-13-2020, a few of our Boulder Creek members have had to evac and they have been out of their homes for almost a month. So a far none have lost the homes. Chris’ home was saved but 7 of his neighbors homes burn to the ground. Peter and Michele, Chris, David B, and Janie are all OK.
Take care and we'll keep you updated with whatever we hear.
A long time Member Marja, dropped me note and a few photos of the forest around Camp Campbell, which is located about 3 miles north of downtown Boulder Creek off of Hwy 9. Her home is on the east side of Hwy 9 and no damage but on the west side of Hwy 9 on Brimblecom Road 8 or 9 homes were burnt.
photos by Mike, Jeff, and Marja