Sunset in the Santa Cruz Mountains
We've all been inundated with Covid-19 news coverage (don't watch too much of it), so it's no news that we'll have to cancel the Trail Crew's April workday scheduled for this Saturday. State Parks has closed day use parking at all 280 of it it's parks and beaches and for Big Basin this means they aren't allowing parking within two miles of headquarters. Park Interpreter Susan Blake is still working and says some people still hike or bicycle in, but it's eerily quiet.
If you want to stay connected with the park a little you can check out the Big Basin Facebook page ( where Susan is doing online interpretive programs. The latest was yesterday when she talked about the Auto Tree, the large redwood right next to park headquarters that visitors are always photographing. It's not the same as being there, but these are strange times for all of us.
Hope everyone is doing well and getting out each day for a walk or hike. I saw news reports late last week that cases of Covid19 in California seems to be leveling off a little, so perhaps all the effort is working and we're in fact 'bending the curve'. Remember that while we need to maintain physical distance we can still be socially connected. One thing I can promise for sure is the Trail Crew WILL be back in the park as soon as possible!
Several years ago Jeff suggested having our annual party in the summer and this may be the year to do it. I can't think of a better reason to celebrate than getting back on the Basin trails.
Stay healthy and take care as we look forward to seeing everyone soon.