The Big Basin Volunteer Trail Crew
meets about two Saturday’s each month at 9:00am
Rain or Shine.
Keep updated by joining the BBVTC Google Group for workday notices.
The BBVTC has worked in Big Basin for over 56 years and is looking for new members who can help repair trail damage from the 2020 CZU fires and reestablish trails for public use. The work involves removing post-fire regrowth and burned debris from the trail corridor and moving it into burn piles. No experience or special skills are required. A good way to get an idea of what the effort looks like is to check out our blog at .
We work every other Saturday from 9 until about 3 and are looking for people who can commit on an ongoing basis though we don't expect people to come out every workday. If you would like to join the effort or want additional information contact us at
Bring yourself, lunch, water, boots, gloves, and a good attitude. We have tools but you are welcome to bring you own. See you on the trails.
Contact us at
Join our Google Group: bbvtc
Can't join us on our work days? You can help by making a donation to keep us in tools and supplies that are essential in maintaining the trails. Go to our sponsor Mountain Parks Foundation to donate ( and in the In Memory/Honor of box enter "for BBVTC". Thanks for your support of the Trail Crew and Big Basin State Park.
To Build a Burn Pile
To Build a Fire
Burn Day
Remains of one Burn Pile
BBVTC Volunteer Hours
Total 2024: 3211 hrs
Total 2023: 3061 hrs Total 2022: 3673 hrs
Total 2021: 1728 hrs Total 2020: 653 hrs
Total 2019: 1351hrs Total 2018: 1245hrs
Total 2017: 1312hrs Total 2016: 1035hrs
Total 2015: 834hrs Total 2014: 851hrs
Total 2002: 2430hrs push to complete Kirsch Trail and Schultz Bridge for Big Basin Centennial celebration (estimated hours).
In NOV 2021 the BBVTC returned to our home: Big Basin State Park. Clearing the debris continues and it is hard work as well as slow but our focus is to get people back in the Park, which occurred in June 2022. It will be many years before all of the 100+ miles of trails are once again opened to the public
Find out about our organization and
what we do for the Big Basin State Park.
BBVTC Packing it In (Watercolor by Bruce Washburn 2022)